Chicago escorts guide to the suburbs and city
My PHD in Hooking 101- Chapter 11

My PHD in Hooking 101- Chapter 11

A Taxing Situation

This is not a comprehensive guide, and sex workers should consult a tax preparer or attorney for specific guidance.

Because you are an escort- Because you are in some field of the adult entertainment industry, Some girls think that because they are escort- they cannot live like real people.

They think that because they are a sexworker, that they do not have rights. They think that because they are in the Adult industry they can not break bread and eat a bowl of soup or three at the finest dining establishment . They think that because they were raped, stalked, harassed, or beaten, they cannot go to the police . They think that because they do not have a ‘real ‘ job, they cannot have a house or any piece of property. They think they cannot buy a brand new car. In a soup bowl, Quite like wrapping it all up in a nutshell , Escorts, sexworkers, hookers, courtesans, and Dancers, think they do not have rights. The Soup Nazi, Ciara from Buffalo, is here to tell you. YOU ARE HUMAN, and you can do any of these things.. and, YOU DO HAVE RIGHTS.

Why not.. You MAKE MORE MONEY than any tax attorney that you think will judge you. ! You make more money than any CPA that you think you have to tell your life story to. . You make more money than a manager of a restaurant that may not let you slurp soup with the best of em`. You make more money than any law enforcement officer that may 2nd guess you. If you don’t , Then you are doing something wrong and you haven’t read the first 9 chapters 🙂

Lets face it, even if you only do 10 calls a week at 250. That is 2500.00 That is 120,000 a year you just made if you multiply it by 12 ! 5 calls a week at 250? Anyhow, that’s another PHD.


Get a DBA – ( doing business as ) Start Small. What is a DBA ? It is a business license. You own and run a business. Every girl, Every adult entertainent person, web designers included, SHOULD BE PAYING THEIR TAXES! Do NOT ever think it WILL never happen to you. If I ever told anyone the girls I know of getting busted for tax evasion, It would make your head spin. You know them, I know them. They are small time girls, just like me and you. Small time, 150- 1000 dollar an hour girls. Needless to say, They pay their taxes now. You can find how to get a DBA by Googling “DBA IN ( YOUR STATE).”

No, You do NOT have to tell your CPA what it is you do.

Heck if ya wanna be bold, go ahead 😉 Being honest, will help you in the long run. Remember- the more you make, the more they will make. exotic dancer, web design, photography..

Don’t, however, bother with the H&R; Blocks of the world. In my experience, all they do is fill out paperwork..they don’t help you find deductions and expenses you might not have been aware you were entitled to. ( I copied that from somewhere, but it is oh so very true !) I have had that experience..

As for the how to’s, what forms, the tax laws, They vary from state to state. I cannot tell you that.. Hire a professional. That is why you are a professional. Your money should go into your business first and a good can of soup with no sodium :). Make sure you ask your CPA what kind he likes. Your tax professional is your friend !!

Are CPA’s expensive ?

They aren’t as expensive as lawyers when your ass ends up in jail. Worry about your cheap condoms online and inexpensive lingerie later. After all, you can’t wear that to the Federal Pen 🙂

Get a DBA

Ask your lawyer what to do !

You know, the one you have on retainer ? Yes EVERY GIRL SHOULD HAVE THAT TOO!! ( Oh, thats another PHD !)

How do I file mine?

Well , that is kinda personal eh ? Did you want to know how I shave my pussy too and how far I have to go back with the razor at the age of 40? 🙂 I won’t tell you that either. Let’s leave it to your vivid imagination 🙂

Get your act together and file your taxes.

It is really that simple. It just makes the industry and what you do, that less ‘dirty’. You will feel better about yourself if you do. Be a law abiding citizen.

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